Show zero tolerance for others speaking in favor of it. You don’t have to win every argument. You have to let them know that their “political beliefs” are fighting words and they’re going to get a fight whenever they try to speak them.
Show zero tolerance for others speaking in favor of it. You don’t have to win every argument. You have to let them know that their “political beliefs” are fighting words and they’re going to get a fight whenever they try to speak them.
We really don’t need to argue about this, y’all.
What is even happening here? Force fed ducks?
“Source of all problems?” If you exaggerate it right in your question and then ask if it’s exaggerated, of course the answer will be yes.
“It’s just a tool” yes and when people say “social media” they mean the whole combination of the tools and how they are getting used. The whole “it’s just a tool” argument isn’t worth much. Yes, it is, and now that it’s been let loose in the world, we see how it is being used.
A match is “just a tool” but in a forest that’s dripping with gasoline, you can see how that tool will do exactly one job.
Elon held an all hands at the company to announce “I’m back in charge” and the financial press are reporting that “the markets rewarded it.” Meaning the stock went up. Which makes me want to puke.
A 14yo was the first to fire at Marshalls at Ruby Ridge.
Forgive him for what? I recall there was drama around this show but I legit couldn’t understand what actually happened.
I’d rather do that than arm people with assault rifles so they can live in remote rural areas where herds of feral pigs are an issue. Yes this is an actual argument people make in favor of keeping assault rifles legal. “What if I need to stop a stampede of 80 feral hogs? This is a weekly occurrence on my property.”
Frankly, if feral hogs have you running scared, it’s not your property, it’s theirs.
Yeah OP needs to define what “slow” means to them. You could say that a one-week delayed effect is slow. Or you could say that it’s only slow if it takes months of exposure.
I’ve never seen anyone even think twice about the Tears of Lys or The Strangler. And after Milk of the Poppy, it’s established that we may expect some similarity to reality in this world.
LOL I knew that was going to be the link :)
Keep those out of my pants too!
I’ve heard it said that marriage was invented by men as a sort of peace agreement to guarantee one woman per man so that no men were totally shut out of sex. In earlier times, when wealthy or powerful men hoarded the women, this led to serious problems from those men on the losing end of the society (rape, terrorism, even war).
So yeah, in essence, this douche is trying to level the playing field between his sorry ass and more successful men.
Get your laws out of my pants.
This. This. This.
Everyone should watch this. Even people who know about rank choice voting.
“Hey boss? I got a user here who’s blocking our ads and cussing us out.”
“Oh dear. Better give him whatever he wants.”
Look, the majority of the software is on the server end. Even if they gave you a full stack trace, and you understood it, you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. You want them to give you a way to send in a merge request? I’m sure that would be received here as Google exploiting you for free.
Let’s ALL buy the same thing as OP and then leave negative feedback. We’ll all get it for free and bleed this vendor.
Link, OP?
74 loads versus 60, bruh
I miss the minutes when this term was just used unironically and hadn’t yet become a magat slur.