It’s very sad to imagine that this animal is no more on this earth. It was beautiful.
Ugly as shit, to be honest.
Okay, bag-of-mostly-water
Stop looking in the mirror then
Just like you when i take a pic of you mid yawn.
It’s a marsupial, so this is it’s threat yawn, similar to how an opossum will yawn at you when frightened.
Real science video on it
I love thylacines. Such goofy looking but totally rad creatures. We’ve done so so much damage…
There are accounts in Tasmania of seeing thylacines still. I choose to believe that’s real and it’s not just a Bigfoot kind of thing.
I just want to give him back scritches. I bet his stripes feel different than the non-stripes. I bet he could gnaw on my arm a bit too
Or mid-scream, as it realized it was an endling?