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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 18th, 2024


  • They’re using Signal so nothing is recorded.

    Basically there’s a government transparency mandate by We The People. It’s why info gets released to the press and eventually things like the JFK assassination are released years later. It’s why everything the president writes or says is recorded. Because, in theory, they work for We The People and have to answer to us. They can’t do that if no one knows what they’re up to.

    Trump admin says, fuck that, fuck We The People, we will now use an end to end encrypted service that cannot be effectively subpoenaed. What we do is our secret, so no one knows what we are up to.

    As a messaging service Signsl is as secure and private as the people using it. You want privacy you use WIRE or Signal. Your stuff isn’t recorded on a database like Facebook Messenger, for later subpoenas, it’s just poof, gone, as you delete it. You can even time delete it for everyone in chat after a few minutes, an hour, a week, etc.

    As for the phones themselves, I don’t know. In general terms, out of the box, Apple is more secure than android but neither is private, unless the feds get a telemetry removal package or some such which would make sense. GrapheneOS on an Android device (strips all telemetry including that map app) is how we laymen do it.

  • Heavy metals in artists’ oil paints.

    You can always dig into true crime, see what methods are used to kill husbands.

    Check out ChubbyEmu on YouTube. He’s a pharmacist who presents strange and interesting medical stories (with dramatic re-enactments) involving unusual chemical exposures that damage and sometimes kill people. Examples: soda, coconut water from a bad coconut, a fermented soup, ivermectin ordered online, lab chemicals stolen by a student and given to a disliked roommate, and so on. Maybe something there will inspire you. ChubbyEmu does a good job of breaking down complex medical into an easily digestible format.

  • And that’s the primary problem with the new triple contractor rates, House quality is going to severely decline in the next 10yrs as people try to do everything themselves because professional home repair has become grossly unaffordable.

    I’ve been repairing and home owning for over 25 yrs. I make more money and can no longer easily afford home repair the last 3 yrs. As such, I shudder the think of what garbage is being done in homes with no capacity to afford the new higher rates right now. Even a box of construction screws and a can of paint is crazy expensive now.

  • I’m chuckling a bit (in a negative way) at the abject perversion of this mentality, because of course this happened.

    Isn’t this how we think of all pollution? Global warming? We don’t have to worry about this today, so we won’t. Maybe some nebulous, nonexistent white knight of a someone will figure it out before its an immediate problem…

  • This is always a personal choice.

    Bear in mind you do yourself a disservice by believing rag headlines (common dreams, daily beast, new republic, etc) in an echo chamber. Talking to people who don’t agree with you will tell you more about present politics, in terms of what the “other guy” is thinking. It’s also an opportunity to pick things apart in chill discussions and find the point where you digress instead of assuming.

    Flippant remarks are typically engaged in areas people haven’t spent time or mental resources on. They’re more likely to be verbal passcodes for a social group. You could find out. Where the jokes stop is usually the more viscerally believed area.

    Or maybe that’s just me who has an interest in that sort of thing. That said, you can encounter people you start to sway with reasonable discussion based in listening to everything they want to say who then get angry, yell that they can’t talk to you any more, who then simply go away.

    To be fair I have all the energy in the world for strangers because they’re often 1-4 encounters and done. In my personal life, I have the energy and wherewithal to maintain 1, and that is probably only because they’re my closest genetic link.