I was able to pull out what used to be there:
I was able to pull out what used to be there:
Yeah, I’m pretty happy with this innovation. Low cost munitions to deal with low cost threats.
Been seeing some interesting stuff in the world of drones designed to take out other drones as well. From suicide drones to drones with a shotgun on the front.
What is a good linux program that serves this same purpose? Specifically removing formatting from copied text.
it’s long since outlived its usefulness as a concept
It is the critical basis on why all diets work. One can eat as healthy as they want, but if they eat more calories than they expend, they will gain weight. Tossing aside such a fundamental concept is fraught. Instead, build upon it.
OP wants to design a diet that has the following requirements: reduce body fat, vegan, high-protein. Vegan limits it to plants, and high-protein further limits it to things like beans and tofu. Now, OP needs to figure out how much beans and tofu he can eat to achieve his goal, and this is where calories in - calories out becomes critical. Eat the right amount and the diet works.
CaloriesIn - CaloriesOut = WeightChange
Fat forms using spare calories. Any diet that involves eating fewer calories than what you burn will reduce your body fat.
As long as you have that part right, you are free to add any other requirements on your diet you wish.
Less about people being too stupid and more about people just not seeing the point. The average person touches the AC/Heat switch only a few times a year.
I personally love the days where it’s cool enough at night to open the windows and get the house temperature down. Means the AC the next day doesn’t have to do nearly as much (and thus my electric bill isn’t as high).
No, he posted an article without comment, and the thumbnail of said article has that symbol. He didn’t post the symbol itself like the title suggests.
And to further your point, the OP of this very thread did the same damn thing.
Not sure why ‘not the onion’. Seasoning a pan is the classic solution to sticky pans.
Back in the 90s the focus was to be colorblind, ie to treat everyone the same. Now people are focusing on race again in a big way. It boggles my mind that people now think treating people differently based on race is somehow a good thing. That people should get preferential hiring based on race is probably the biggest WTF.
Tankies gunna tankie. It’s pretty important to separate them into their own category as their ideology doesn’t mesh with anybody else’s.
Never had anything in my apartments maintained by the landlord, always had to maintain everything myself at my own expense.
When is the last time you bought a furnace, a water heater, or a new roof for a property you rent? Ever?
It isn’t that the owner isn’t maintaining it, it is that they aren’t maintaining it do the standard you would prefer. And that absolutely is an issue. And it is one of the primary benefits of no longer paying a landlord and instead buying a property and maintaining it to your own standards. You will almost certainly end up with a maintenance standard you like as you will be the one dictating and implementing it.
Absolutely, a problem that is improved by increasing housing supply (thus lowering costs). We need more government investment in building homes and to remove barriers that prevent or slow homes from being built. Simply outlawing rentals, as OP suggests, would do the opposite, it would take out a huge chunk of people who are building homes, drastically lowering supply and exploding housing prices.
Biggest plusses people argue in favor is not having to maintain the property yourself and being able to move much more easily. If you are one of the people who would prefer to buy, I highly recommend you do so. Maintaining your own stuff is quite nice, as it lets you keep it up to the quality you desire.
You’re charging someone for you doing nothing
Go talk to someone who manages a rental, ask them specifically what they do. What do they do when the tenant leaves? What do they do when the tenant doesn’t pay? What do they do when things break? What do they do when there is a squatter? What do they do when there is a bogus complaint to the local government? What do they do when a unit sits empty for an extended period?
The answer to all those questions is most certainly not ‘nothing’.
The higher the supply the lower the prices; we need higher housing supply. We need to reduce barriers to building homes and increase government investment in building new homes.
You can charge HUD twice the going rate
You cannot just charge whatever you want. They aren’t morons. Often times the government offers below market rate in exchange for the guarantee you will be paid, regardless of what your tenant is doing.
Buy a home, don’t contribute to landlord’s profits.
How is it legal that people buy property and rent to those who want to rent instead of buy? My question to you is why wouldn’t it be legal?
You can often get such assistance if you are poor. If you aren’t, it’s expected you or your parents will cover basic costs.
Ugh, why the hell aren’t those air-gapped?
Same thing in cars. Why is the infotainment system that is connected to the internet not air-gapped from the critical car functions?
These things aren’t hard to do. I guess we just need people to die before we take such basic safety measures.