i recently learned you’re not supposed to run a microwave with nothing in it/it can fry itself broken.
but i want to heat up a plate to help keep the pancakes i put on it warm like they do in diners. putting just a plate in my microwave causes it to start freaking out 'cause i guess there’s not enough stuff in there to absorb the energy(? this is what google tells me).
are the diners just putting the plates on a burner on low? that feels wrong.
Put some water on the plate before putting them into the microwave.
Microwave heats water, water heats plate.
Our preferred way of doing this is have a pot of near boiling water with the plate on top next to the pan I’m baking the pancakes on. Pile the pancakes directly on the plate.
This keeps the plate hot and maintains the temperature of the bottom pancakes while you’re making a larger batch. remove the plate carefully after baking, wipe the bottom of the plate dry and put it on the table. Hot pancakes for the entire meal!
This is for dutch pancakes BTW, no clue how it would go for American or other more fluffy pancakes.
Microwave, 2 plates, the upper one turned upside down.
Half a teaspoon of water between them, or even a little less.
15 seconds, and already that little amount of water is turned into steam and your plates are hot.
When you take them out, wipe them dry immediately, otherwise they could cool down quickly.
If you’re to the level of warming plates in your pancake game, those must be some kickass flapjacks.
Flappy flabby fatbastard fluffy flapjacks, ferda.
Microwaves work by using, well, microwaves to rotate polar molecules very fast, causing them to heat up. Like spinning a magnet around your food thousands of times a second. Normally it rotates and heats water in most foods. Soak a towel or paper towel in water, put it on the plate and heat it up.
Bonus: metal can’t hold on to their electrons, so instead of the molecules spinning, the electrons rotate through the entire metal, which is why there can be electrical arcs if you put some metals in the microwave.
The microwave works fine, been doing so for years
Dig a pit, build a fire there, then once it gets going you cover it with dirt and place your plates in the dirt. Wait about 4 hours and then use a rake to find them. Nice and toasty.
- Very Wet paper towel on the plate, microwave the plate for 30-60s
- Heat it up over a flame, a ways away (ie. Butane torch under it, but like 12" away)
- If you have a small countertop over or air fryer/toaster. Heat it up in there briefly
- If you’re making toast, place it on top of the toaster (not too long, it can still break).
You can also use an oven, but that’s a lot of air to heat up for just a plate. If you’re already using it though, that’s a win.
I heat my plates up alllll the time.
Can you use hot water? Or water on the plate in microwave
Put it in the oven on lowest setting
If you have a grill directly above the oven, put them in there whilst the oven is on. They’ll warm up nicely.
Lol you guys are so innocent.
Restaurants either are giving you plates straight out if the dishwasher or they have a plate warmer. Professional plate warmers will warm a few dozen plates at a time and cost $1k USD. You can get crappy versions for the home for like $50.
You’re right the cold plate sucks out a lot of heat! I sit them in hot water and dry them off before putting the food on
I put the plates upside down in the sink at let the hot water run over them for a little bit.