I have a question. I saw, I believe it was, COD gameplay where they had two scopes on one gun. One on top, one to the side. This way they could scope for different distances. Is this real? Do people do this irl?
Yes, “they” do, for values of “they”.
You can have a scope with magnification as your “longer range” optic, and use something like a red dot for close-range shooting where the scope would get in the way.
You can do this by putting a “piggyback” sight on top of your big scope, but that gives you a lot of offset (your “dot” is far above where you shoot), which makes aiming harder. (And attaching a scope to a scope makes for suboptimal stability) The other method is by using an angled adapter, so you just turn the gun sideways a bit, and if you’re using the right stuff, you can just shoot like that with the same sighting and alignment.
Of course, that’s mostly useful for people who expect to shoot at stuff both 300m and 20m away, which generally means military, sports shooting and people who wish they could do either.
FAMAS, two to the torso one to the head. End up blowing off two toes and a kneecap.
I prefer accuracy through volume tbh
Then I can proudly tell you that all of these are quite loud
They had sights on the M249, but the damn thing shakes so badly from each recoil that they tell you to strafe an “X” across the target.
They also put some weird sights on the M203, but I never used them. I just kept lobbing rubber dummy rounds at the range until it became instinctual.